Hello Belles and Beaus! Today, let’s get Carried Away with our Entourage. I keep getting asked WHO DO I BRING TO MY APPOINTMENT????
First off CONGRATULATIONS!!! You said yes, now time to find the dress!! One of the most exciting, highly anticipated parts of your wedding planning process is shopping for the perfect wedding gown.
It is such a special moment for the bride and her entourage who are there to share in the moment. Every day we are asked, “How many people should I bring with me to my appointment?” And more importantly, “Who should I bring with me?” So let me break it down for you.
How many people should I bring with me to my appointment?
You should DEFINITELY limit the number of those attending as much as possible. Limiting the number of guests to around 4 people, we have noticed, usually creates the least amount of stress on the bride. Depending on your personality, you may find yourself trying to please those guests, instead of listening to your heart.
Even the most outgoing confident bride may find herself in a situation where she is trying to talk someone who means so much to her, into liking her choice. Or a guest trying to talk the bride out of her top favorite in exchange for a dress the guest likes more. They also tend to pull gowns polar opposite of the bride’s style, because “This would look so good on you.” Even though we might agree the dress looks phenomenal on you, if it is not the style or feel you’re wanting, you are just spinning your wheels. This just leads to unnecessary stress. Cut the stress by cutting the list.
Some brides opt to shop alone for their wedding gown. Other brides decide on six of their nearest and dearest. Ultimately the choice is yours. At the end of the day, you are the only person who knows the right number of people for you, but remember every person also comes with an opinion which may or may not match your own.
Who should I bring with me?
Once you’ve figured out the number of people you would like to have, it is time to determine who you would like to bring. People tend to feel obligated to bring Mom (mother-figure), Dad (father figure), Grandparents, Aunts, Cousins, Mother-in-Law to be, Sisters, bridesmaids, children, and friends. See how quickly that became a very overwhelming number of people? If Mom/dad/grandma etc. is paying for the gown, of course bring them with you. Then pick 1 or 2 close friends or family members who know you well. It is important to bring the most supportive and helpful people to your appointment. Bring someone who will encourage you while wading through the waters of bridal gown styles, fits, and colors. You want the friend who recognizes you look great in a style, but also knows comfort is important to you. She will point out there is a better option for you than the long-sleeved mermaid gown because you tend to get hot while living it up on the dance floor. Maybe a strapless A-line is going to be just as flattering and much more comfortable. We all have those friends who are so supportive they are going to tell us everything is perfect! They are amazing and wonderful, but not the most helpful when picking out your dream wedding gown.
Can I bring my kids/nieces/friend's child etc. with me?
We always recommend leaving anyone under the age of 12 at home; Especially those under the age of 5. Sitting on a couch for that long is difficult even for the most well-behaved children. If you are wanting your child (or flower girl/ringbearer) to see your dress, we typically suggest bringing the littles in with you for your pick-up appointment. When kids are at an appointment whomever is in charge of making sure they are seated then spends more time monitoring kids than truly enjoying this moment with you!
I really want all my bridesmaids to see my dress and have an experience with me. What do I do? How do I tell them no?
Girl! We've got you covered with #bridesquad appointments! We offer the special appointments for your bridesmaids. We love having #bridesquad appointments. We will bring the in-stock gown up to the bridesmaid area, and let you unveil it to your girls! While your girls are trying on bridesmaid gowns, you can put on your sample gown for your girls to try on in store
You will even get to see the full effect of your chosen gown with the dresses/colors you have chosen for your maids. These bridal party appointments are always so much fun!!
I want all my nearest and dearest to see my gown and have an experience with me. Can we do that?
ABSOFREAKINLUTELY!!! We know there are so many people you want to include in your big day preparations, but they can always come back in with you. Our newest appointment type is a REVEAL party. You can set up a big reveal for any of those who you want to see after you have found the one! Bring in your entourage and we will have a blast!! If you want to have a VIB Reveal Party in our private area with snacks and mimosas, just give us a call and we’ll get it scheduled for you!
I think I just want to shop alone. Is that ok?
Of course, that’s perfectly fine. We have lots of brides who prefer to come alone. You know how you want to feel and look on the most photographed day of your life. Your opinion is the most important! If you feel you would enjoy the experience most by yourself, then come on, girl, let’s do it! We will have a private party just for you!
Being located in a military town, we have lots of brides who come in to shop by themselves. This isn’t a bad thing at all! Here at WB we quickly bring you into our family and help guide you through the process! If you want additional honest opinions, just let us know! All our staff that's available love to pile in on the couches and be your besties! I am the resident TT so if you need an Aunt's opinion, support, hugs, and usually tears, just let me know. I've you, boo!
I wish my (fill in the blank) could be here, but she is across the country and can’t travel in.
We also offer I’ll Be There For You zoom appointments in case that special near and dear lives too far to travel in. We will Zoom them into the screen above the stage so they can see you, and you can see their reactions!
Hopefully this information has given you a little bit of knowledge about how to handle your entourage and ensure the best shopping experience for yourself and for those you love! How many people came with you to your appointment? Do you regret that decision? Let me know below!
